The first video here shows the exercises for practising the basic spotting techniques. Spotting is probably the most critical component of spinning in any form of dance. Spinning involves a helluva lot of physics principles in practice. I almost think that any freshman physics major should be made to take dance lessons in order to understand some basic mechanics.
The technique is simple: turn your head around and whip it so that your body follows in a full circle.
After the basic techniques, we did some serious spinning. One and two turns, plus one-and-half turns. The 1-1/2 turns turned out to be surprisingly difficult, with spotting playing a key role. Again, the
next video has exercises that Eddy demonstrated for those. That has all the techniques for 1, 1-1/2 and two spins. Plus prep for spinning the ladies. This is going to take some practice since I can barely do more than a single spin, with an occasional successful 1-1/2.
Eddy pointed out a flaw in my technique: Apparently I am pushing off with my feet rather than my upper body, which gives me a linear momentum. Spinning in place is ALL about angular momentum.